What is GDPR?
At Kirkburton First School we take our responsibility to protect your data very seriously. Since the implementation of the new GDPR regulations in May 2018 we have kept a very rational and sensible approach to protecting data (amid plenty of scaremongering!)
At its core, GDPR is a new set of rules designed to give EU citizens more control over their personal data.
The reforms are designed to reflect the world we're living in now, and brings laws and obligations - including those around personal data, privacy and consent - across Europe up to speed for the internet-connected age. This includes schools as we collect and hold personal data.
Fundamentally, almost every aspect of our lives revolves around data. From social media companies, to banks, retailers, governments and schools -- almost every service we use involves the collection and analysis of our personal data. Your name, address and more all collected, analysed and, perhaps most importantly, stored by organisations.
We, as a school, have a duty to ensure the data we collect and store is necessary, adequate and is only held for the purposes and timespan required.
Please note: GDPR does not prevent school from sharing important information with other agencies such as schools, healthcare, police and social care.
Below is a more information linked specifically to GDPR in school.
GDPR in Schools
Data plays a key part within a modern education system. It provides the opportunity to effectively monitor the progress of learners, it allows evaluation within evidence-based practice, and it provides the opportunities for huge efficiencies in how school life operates.
The use of data within the education sector and beyond has developed significantly in recent years. And so it is right that the law, processes and skillsets associated with being effective guardians of children’s data are brought up to date and fit for the modern era.
What data?
Most of the data we hold is covered by the lawful bases of 'public task' and 'vital interest' for collecting and processing data.
Public Task:
This is information which is required for the day-to-day running of the school. This includes information such as names, addresses, contact details for parents, date of birth, etc. We require this information by law in order to admit your child to school.
Vital Interest:
This is information which is necessary to protect someone’s life. This can include safeguarding information, communication with other agencies and medical information about pupils.
For the vast majority of the data we collect, this is gained with consent from parents. As other data is collected, further consent will be sought. At the start of each school year we will also seek consent from parents in the form of a permission slip for local visits and photos, etc.
Where is my data?
All data in school is held securely.
Paper records are ‘triple locked’ meaning there are effectively three points of security to pass before the information can be accessed. This is the standard for data in school – including safeguarding information.
Electronic records are kept on our secure server which can only be accessed by the authorised persons. Staff have appropriate access to data as per their role in school – the head has access to more information than the staff.
Any online providers of tools for schools have provided us with assurance that they are compliant of GDPR.
What happens next?
Under GDPR, data can only be held for as long as it is necessary and schools must regularly check their data to ensure this is the case.
School follows a data retention schedule from the IRMS. This can be found HERE. The disposal of any data not referred to in this document is determined by the DPO (Data Protection Officer) in school.
Paper documents are shredded and electronic documents are deleted from the server upon expiry as per guidelines.
Anyone has the right to access their data and see what we hold as a school. This request should be made, in writing, and passed to the school office.
Please refer to the data protection policy for further information.
If you have any questions about GDPR, please don't hesitate to pop into school and speak with Mr Adams.